Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Standing Six Feet Apart Doesn't Work

And other total wastes of time:

Staying at least two metres apart from others while indoors has virtually no effect on the risk of exposure to COVID-19, a new study out of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says.

The study, released online ahead of its publication in the peer-reviewed journal PNAS on Tuesday, suggests that now-commonplace distancing rules matter far less than the amount of time spent inside with other people, particularly if an infected person enters the room.


Allen’s own cost/benefit analysis uses an elaborate calculation to determine how many years of lost life will have been caused by the various harms of lockdowns versus how many years of lost life were saved by lockdowns.

“The benefit of lockdown, therefore, was the avoidance of this extra 22,333 years of lost life. However, the cost of lockdown… was 6,300,000 years of lost life.”

Based on this calculation, the big picture long-term societal harms of lockdowns are 282 times worse than their benefits. It’s a staggering finding.


Aylmer Police are expecting to lay charges for violations of Ontario’s emergency orders after a Sunday service at the Church of God.

Officers went to the John St. North church at about 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Aylmer Police say. A “large number of participants” entered the church, violating the province’s emergency rules on gathering limits.


See, they should have had their service at Wal-Mart.


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