Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Who Said That You Had to Indulge Children?

 "No control?"

Why do parents hand out cell phones and tablets and then never monitor their kids?

Perhaps this sounds bizarre but I'm pretty sure a lot of homework can be done with - wait for it - actual printed material like books.

Tik-Tok is monitored by the Chinese, anyway.

The laziness I'm hearing is stunning:

Among all the challenges that come with raising children, many Canadian parents nowadays are faced with a more complex modern issue: social media use.

To a certain degree, the damaging effect social media can have – particularly on young people – is nothing new. But in the decades since the introduction of MySpace and the eventual rise of Facebook and Instagram, there are indications it’s getting worse. ...

Dancy’s children, who use applications like Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Discord, Instagram and TikTok, are more connected to the world than she was at their age, she said.

For example, when there was a lockdown at their school last year, Dancy said her children were immediately in tune with what was going on, scouring Twitter for the latest news and checking for updates.

“There’s an instant connection to outside news, which obviously didn’t exist when I was younger,” she said.

“They can find things, they can also find bad things and (I) worry about something that they do: will it get out there in the real world, and will it come back to haunt them?”


Uh, yes, so act.


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