Sunday, August 27, 2023

In the US ...

The Americans are in the thick of it:


Oh, how awkward:


Now, about that:


Politics has always been a tinder-box. Now, it is made worse by the coarseness and corruption of those in power and their nauseating foot-soldiers on Instagram.

All people have left is outrage.

Here it comes:

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin alluded to potential civil war Thursday, lashing out at not just Democrats going after prosecuting Donald Trump but also to the “bunch of frickin’ RINOs” running the Republican Party for not defending Trump enough.

“We do need to rise up and take our country back,” Palin told Newsmax host Eric Bolling, asserting that the prosecution of Trump could be leading the country into a violent split.

Bolling asked the former Alaska governor about Trump being fingerprinted and having his mug shot taken in Atlanta, and she sounded off.

“I think of those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tiered system of justice and I want to ask them, ‘What the heck? Do you want us to be in civil war?’ Because that’s what’s going to happen,” Palin said. “We’re not going to keep putting up with this. And Eric, I like that you suggested that we need to get angry. We do need to rise up and take our country back.”

In addition to Democrats, Palin pointed the blame at her party for not standing up more for Trump.

“The RNC (Republican National Committee)… that’s what’s lacking when it comes to collective anger, which can be healthy and it can be useful. Where is the RNC. They hold the purse strings to the party. They have the platform. and yet they’re too timid. A bunch of frickin’ RINOs running the thing,” Palin said, referring to “Republicans in Name Only” that some GOP members call others for not being loyal enough to Trump.

“They better get their stuff together,” Palin said.


The state is using all the resources it has at its disposal to knock off a preferred candidate.

It is part of the definition of tyranny.

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