Friday, August 04, 2023

What Is Something They Said and Did?

I would say so.

I would say their penchant to sponge off of the taxpayers and live an entirely crafted Barbie existence for cheap adulation has won desperately thin.

And don't plead for the higher road. These plastic creatures had ZERO problem exploiting their own children -

(Sidebar: what kind of @$$hole makes his son's birthday all about him, anyway? Justin does. That's who.)

- and certainly spared no thought for the peasants whose entire lives were upended first by the lockdowns, then by repression and now severe taxation and economic downturn.

Let every ugliness pour out and stain the filthy, rancid Trudeau dynasty until we finally expunge it from Canadian consciousness.

These people deserve no less:


But if he stays on as prime minister and he travels with his wife on government airplanes or on taxpayer trips, every question asked of him about what caused this separation is valid. They live in housing paid for by the taxpayers. They have represented Canadians around the world. They are even going on vacation together.

If Canadians are paying for any or all of that, it is their business. It was like that when Trudeau’s father Pierre and mother Margaret separated and it’s like that now.



(Insert own "but the alphabet community/the Muslims/I could or I could not see this coming" comment here.)

Choose which voters block to alienate, Justin. The rural crowd isn't go to cut it anymore.

What he meant to say was that nothing but nothing will remove him from his dad's former office (at least until his foreign financiers say so, anyway):

Justin Trudeau’s surprise announcement that he and his wife were separating, just a week after a broad cabinet reshuffle, underscores the Canadian prime minister’s focus and intent to lead the Liberal Party into a fourth election victory, despite sagging opinion polls, pollsters and insiders said.

It's always about him.

Do it, Sophie. Write a book! Spill your guts! From hell's heart, stab at Justin. Do it!:

Sophie GrĂ©goire Trudeau is exempt from Conflict Of Interest Act disclosures under a separation agreement. Mrs. Trudeau last year registered a new federal corporation to sell communications services: “Sophie GrĂ©goire Trudeau is more than someone’s wife.”

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