Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Shut Up, Justin

Don't you have a cottage to hide in or a private island to fly to?:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Canadians to cancel any non-essential trips they have planned abroad or even within Canada in the coming weeks, as new travel restrictions are on the way. What shape they might take remains up for discussion.

The coronavirus comes from without:

Since March 27 2020,  health officials have not directly contacted travellers who were potentially exposed to the coronavirus on a flight, and have instead published updates listing exposure events.


The incompetence and corruption comes from within:

Authorities yesterday would not disclose bonus payments to Tina Namiesniowski, failed $273,000-a year former president of the Public Health Agency. Namiesniowski resigned days ahead of a now-disclosed audit that found confusion and mismanagement at the Agency responsible for pandemic preparedness: “This deeply disturbing report exposes extensive disarray and sometimes chaos.”

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