Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The End

Who would have thought that the Americans would have been duped into voting for a Christmas-hating, infanticide-supporting, tyrant-coddling liar?

Who would have guessed?

Get ready for four years of economic and political depression. We deserve it for buying into his- and others like him- crap.


Anonymous said...

Really? You really think so? Christmas hating, infanticide supporting, tyant coddling liar... Those are very very strong words, and how dare you use your words as weapons.

Just because someone doesn't celebrate Christmas, doesn't mean they hate it. It just means their religious views are different than those of Christanity, and thats ok, because God teaches us to love one another, even through our faults.

Infanticide supporting. Wow, again, very strong words. Just because he is prochoice, and will allow a woman control of her body, does not mean that he is a dirty baby killer. Shame on you my dear, as a Christian you should show compassion, you are not God, when its his time he will not answer to you for his crimes against humanity. He will answer to God, and you are not he. It's Gods commandment that you should not judge others, its not your place. Your place is to love, and honour. You are not on this earth to win souls for your savour Jesus Christ, you are here to live your life as a good example for others, so others will walk in your foot steps, so make your life a shining example of the love that is Christanity.

We will have to see what the next 4years brings. You cannot predict, like a psychic that the US will face economic and political depression.

So my dear, live your life in good example of how your Creator and Savour would want you to live it. Remember that being the Judge is Gods job, not yours nor mine. Also remember that your words can be harmful and hurtful weapons. They hurt people. Please don't hurt people.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...the notorious grammar and spelling queen/king strikes again...