Thursday, November 27, 2008

In the Waning Hours

As of this writing, security forces are still trying to secure the city of Mumbai after a series of co-ordinated and bloody acts of terrorism. The terrorists were initially reported to have been aiming for American and British citizens. The Jewish centre of Mumbai is being stormed.

A map of the recent attacks.

In other news, Finance Minister Flaherty hopes to avoid a deficit but there are no promises. What is hoped is that not one penny of taxpayer's money will line the coffers of any political party in the country. Let each party be wholly financed by their supporters. Surely voter confidence in each party's policies is steady, even high. They don't need any public money whatsoever.

I can't believe I missed this. The make-believe politicians at Carleton University are furiously backtracking after their atrocious comments regarding race, gender and cystic fibrosis. I suppose if one can't accessorize with ribbons, then the disease is not worth raising funds for.

The case of a convicted murderer bringing his new wife into Canada is a stunning one. Why a man who killed his sister-in-law by burning her to death was released is puzzling, if not outright appalling. It is equally puzzling- and alarming- to hear that "sister-in-law" is far more nebulous a connection than "relative". Because the offense he committed involved his sister-in-law and not a relative, the man is allowed to bring over his wife. How does this fare for would-be citizens who have been separated from loved ones because of some bureaucratic semantic nonsense? I could imagine "relative" is neutral enough to allow a vocal and often annoying minority to "marry" but to allow this? It is no wonder people distrust their elected officials and even more so hate filling out forms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so obscene. I can't believe Canada is doing this. They still hunt Nazi war criminals(and so they should) but they would allow this murderer in the country?