Thursday, November 06, 2008

I've Got Mail!

I love when I get mail. I get to expose really ignorant things people say because they can't absorb different opinions or deal with facts. I could waste my time arguing these ridiculous bits of fiction but time is always of the essence. I will not censor these letters, save some nasty choice words. What you see here is what you get.

Anonymous #1:

It sounds to me like you hate African Americans... Anyone else agree that you
are a RACIST?

It must be racist to question the character and qualifications of the leader of the free world. Perhaps Anonymous #1 should visit Michelle Malkin's site and see how some rather ignorant people treat her simply because her parents are Filipino and she refuses to tow a line of victimhood and entitlement.

Anonymous #2:

You are f------ retarded. First off, Obama doesnt do Christmas OR Birthday
presents - this isnt because he doesnt believe in either, its to "teach the
girls limits" as is really quoted. AND the girls DO get presents - because the
daughter is quoted by saying "Malia says, I know there is a Santa because
there's no way you'd buy me all that stuff."So get your facts straight first -
you stupid dirty c---. Looks like you need to get laid, or a husband or dog or
something. Why do you write a blog anyways? No one comments on your bull----. I f------ wish your mom believed in abortion, there would be one less stupid
person on this Earth.

Wow. Anonymous #2 has so much to say. Where do I start? Why do I write this blog? I do it because I believe in free speech and expression. I have something to say and I would like to say it. I also believe in laughing at people like you, Anonymous #2. The fact that you took the time to misspell words and shout out insults is laughable. You could have ignored this post, or the blog entirely. You could have countered my arguments with something airtight and plausible. Instead, you showed me- and the world- your complete ignorance and malice.

The preceding is the crux of liberalism. Ignorance, malice, fear, anger and an undeserved sense of entitlement.

Apparently, I'm the one with the problem.


Anonymous said...

People like this don't need anyone to show what ignorant and vitriolic people they are. They do such a fine job of pointing it out themselves. Bravo to you for posting these comments. Now we know their true colours. They cannot possibly match the calibre of your grace and writing. You will not, nor can you reduce yourself to their level of insults and maliciousness. Why? Because the truth you share is good and beautiful and it speaks for itself. They are too close-minded and hate-filled to know the truth so they only write swears and misspelled words. Their level of education is self-evident.
Great work!

Anonymous said...

Being a supporter of Barack Obama doesnt' make one ignorant or vitriolic. It simply makes one a supporter of a particular candidate. Some of us choose not to support a candidate who would follow in the footsteps of "the Fuhrer" George W. Bush and his pro-death campaign over seas. I like Barack because he gives people FREEDOM. Real freedom. You say you believe in freedom of speech. It seems, however, that you only believe in the freedom of your speech. You are quite obviously incapable of having a healthy debate with someone. Perhaps if you could see beyond the narrow and limited scope of your tunnel vision you could see that there is a whole world out there that doesn't revolve around your own personal agenda, and that of the pro-gestation fanatics. I feel sorry for you. For in ten or so years when you and K.S. are living in your apartment or cloistered convent, you will realize how narrow minded and foolish you are currently being and you will surely feel rueful.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Dear Anonymous,
perhaps you should re-read the post and the letter. I believe the previous poster was referring to the post. There is no need to jump to conclusions, nor insult someone because their opinion doesn't jive with yours. That's childish and counter-productive.
Being an Obama supporter doesn't necessarily make you "vitriolic" but if you ignore the facts then you are ignorant. I have provided ample proof that Obama's abilities and qualms are- at best- questionable. Assuming someone is racist because they do not believe nor support him is the lowest common denominator, just like calling George W. Bush "Fuhrer". If Bush was, in fact, a dictator, would he stand for the abuse against him? Hardly. Defacing a picture of Kim Jong-Il, however, will get you and your family killed. There are far more freedoms in the US than what you would care to believe. What agenda could you be referring to?
Just look at the facts. That's all.

Anonymous said...

Being a supporter of Barack Obama doesn't make one ignorant or vitriolic. No, swearing at someone and belittling them does.

I find your choice of the term "pro-death" interesting to say the least, given your hero is fervantly in favour of abortion, and killing children that are deemed "people" under US law. Also is in favour of pulling troops out of one country people say the US has no right in being in, and putting them in another country people say the US has no right in being.

Your hero favours the limited freedom you accuse our friendly neigbourhood blogger of. Reserving it for the people who agree with his policies, and pat him on the back.

I suggest doing more than reading blogs and leaving half baked attempts at rejoinders, and pretending you have supported democracy and free speech. Instead, try reading a newspaper, a book, or your favoured son's platform.

Unknown said...

Not trying to be critical anonymous, but what kind of freedom has Barack given people? I'm asking in all seriousness. It seems to me his campaign was another case of style over substance. The author of this blog seems quite capable to me of a strong and healthy debate. Most of the other commenters have not given proof of anything but you have a lot. And hey, if you speak of freedom violations in NK then obviously your scope is not so narrow...followed here through blue wave. Nice blog!

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Agreed, jill. Style over substance.
When I first heard Obama say he would be glad to meet with Ahmadinejad, I thought no one in their right mind could vote for him. I believe that would put the region in peril. Then he went on about "spreading the wealth" and "punished with a baby" and it all went downhill from there.

TomVM said...

From the comments, this is what I gather:

good and strong argument = profanity, personal insults, CAPS and exclamation points!!!

And all this time I thought civility, sound judgment and research meant good argumentation.
What was I thinking.
Let me try that again...
WHAT was I f%&*#@ thinking!!!!!!!!!
See, it does work! I'm a better debater than Socrates himself.

Awesome blog btw. Thanks for the link Jill.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Thank you.
Another damn thing...
(just joking)