Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Week: Воскресение


Still darkness, darkness everywhere.
And still so early in the world,
Innumerable stars appear
And each so bright in the night air
That if the earth could count them there,
It would sleep through Easter, lulled
By chanted psalm and chanted prayer.

("In Holy Week", Boris Pasternak)

The darkness being broken by light isn't only a meditation for Christmas but for Easter when the darkness of death is lifted.

When that day comes, the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who went to bring the bridegroom and his bride home, taking their lamps with them.  Five of these were foolish, and five were wise;  the five foolish, when they took their lamps, did not provide themselves with oil, but those who were wise took oil in the vessels they carried, as well as the lamps. The bridegroom was long in coming, so that they all grew drowsy, and fell asleep. And at midnight the cry was raised, Behold, the bridegroom is on his way; go out to meet him. Thereupon all these virgins awoke, and fell to trimming their lamps;  and now the foolish ones said to the wise, Share your oil with us, our lamps are burning low. But the wise ones answered, How if there is not enough for us and for you? Better that you should find your way to the merchants, and buy for yourselves. And so, while they were away buying it, the bridegroom came; those who stood ready escorted him to the wedding, and the door was shut. Afterwards those other virgins came, with the cry, Lord, Lord, open to us.  And he answered, Believe me, I do not recognize you.  Be on the watch, then; the day of it and the hour of it are unknown to you. 

Behold the Bridegroom, the human voice heralding the magnificence of Christ the Bridegroom and the light He brings:

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