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Today is Wednesday and Hugo Chavez is still dead.
First, you can’t renounce something you’ve already renounced, and never really complied with anyway. Second, South Korea never actually did sign that Armistice, and they aren’t sounding particularly stuck on it these days.
Whenever the fat dynasty feels threatened, it does this sort of thing. It's tiresome but it still makes all those around it tread on eggshells.
Some truth here: this hotly contested country in the Middle
East is only 20,770 km². Canada is 9,984,670
sq km. You could fit 480 Israels into one Canada. Yet this small country still
exports food to the Palestinians and has more
Nobel Prize winners than any other country in the region. Seventy-seven
percent of Israeli Arabs would rather live in Israel than anywhere else in the
Middle East because life is free and favourable. Indeed, Christian
Arabs fare better in exams than their Muslim or Druze counterparts. Famous
Israelis include: Shimon Peres (cousin of actress
Lauren Bacall), Moshe Dayan, Natan Sharansky, Ada Yonath and Jesus Christ
(He was from Nazareth. It’s in the Bible. Look it up).
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Nobody takes out Israel. Nobody. |
The sight of First Daughter Malia Obama at a dinner this weekend with her friends prompted one spy to describe the meal as a “young girl’s social power club gathering.” On Saturday night, President Obama’s elder daughter, 14, was spotted at giant Chelsea restaurant Buddakan with eight of her friends, including a daughter of New York Giants chairman Steve Tisch. According to witnesses, the girls were chaperoned by four parents and five security guards who dined at the table directly next to them. “She was in the middle of a gaggle of young girls,” one source told us, while Secret Service remained a comfortable distance behind them — and deterred other customers from bothering them. The presidential teenager was dressed “very casual, jeans and ponytail.” Malia and her friends were overheard saying, “This place is so hip” while they dined on rock shrimp, edamame dumplings, short ribs, lobster fried rice and noodles.
When your dad is the president, screw the proles.
When Obama entered office in January 2009 there were 31,939,110 Americans receiving food stamps. As of November 2012—the most recent data available—there were 47,692,896 Americans enrolled, an increase of 49.3 percent.According to the 2011 census, Spain had a population of 46,815,916.Furthermore, between January 2009 and November 2012 the food stamp program added approximately an average 11,269 recipients per day.
Related: guess what Obama can own:
The $85 billion in across-the-board sequestration cuts is not enough in deficit reduction to forestall another downgrade of the nation’s “AAA” credit rating, say top credit ratings agencies.
Not that Obama knows anything about budgeting other than spending money he has to borrow from the Chinese.
On March 4, the House of Representatives put forth a spending bill that adds $2 billion for embassy and consulate security in a bid to prevent another Benghazi-like attack.
Remember: the State Department was warned, Obama was nowhere to be seen and the director of some obscure Youtube video was arrested in hopes it would quiet the masses into not asking why four Americans were killed.
Remember when everyone made fun of Todd Akin? Yeah, well,
let this
soak in:
The latest is state Sen. Evie Hudak who, at a hearing on banning concealed carry on college campuses, told rape survivor Amanda Collins that having a gun would not have done her any good. Collins had just shared her story of survival. Democrat Hudak berated her in response.
I just want to say, statistics are not on your side, even if you had had a gun. You said that you were a martial arts student, I mean person, experience in taekwondo, and yet because this individual was so large and was able to overcome you even with your skills, and chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get than from you and possibly use it against you …
In the early 1990′s a study concluded that 650 rapes a day were stopped because the victim was – or may have been – armed. But the number of women who carry, and the number of homes with guns, is much higher now.The latest prisoners surveys estimate that 3,600 rapes a day are never attempted because the victim either showed a gun, said she had a gun, or the rapist though the victim had a gun for some other reason.
In what could be the funniest bit of blowback, two
abortuaries in Iowa are shut because of Obamacare:
For the Obama campaign, which engaged in a protracted – and disingenuous – crusade of character assassination last year by labeling Mitt Romney and the Republican Party as being anti-woman, the irony is thick with with development. Tony Leys of the Des Moines Register wrote today that:A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday that the agency plans to close two more of its 21 Iowa clinics.“This decision is the result of a careful analysis of where our patients live and seek medical care, and whether relocating or consolidating centers could help us better meet the needs of our patients,” spokeswoman Shelby Cloke wrote in an email.She said the decision was partly driven by new federal health regulations. “We are making investments in efficiency models and electronic health records now to help us prepare for the changes that will be brought on by the (Affordable Care Act).”
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Today’s recipe calls for karma and schadenfreude. Pick some
up on the way home.
Midway through the post and Hugo Chavez is still dead.
Of course, Jean Chretien would miss him. And so does Ahmadinejad who predicts Chavez's glorious return with a Jew they don't believe is the Son of God:
The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Chávez would “return on resurrection day”. He said he had “no doubt that Chávez will return to Earth” along with Jesus and Imam Mahdi, the most revered figure among Shia Muslims, to help “establish peace, justice and kindness” in the world.
These guys can't even get their heresies straight. Honestly!
And now, the Tattoinian Gothic. Enjoy.
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