Thursday, April 30, 2020

Because Priorities

As of this writing, Canada's coronavirus death toll stands at  3,180.

Nunavut, which previously reported no cases of the coronavirus, now has one case.

Canadian hospitals already experienced a backlog of treatments and surgeries and the matter is only getting worse.

The  economy is shot. The national deficit will be $250 billion when all of that "free money" for beer and rent has to be paid back.

The tourism industry will take a hit as no one will have the means or the desire to stroll through a country that cannot manage to offer protective equipment to its hospitals.

But despite these crises, there are far more pressing matters:

French has become a collateral victim of the coronavirus pandemic in Canada, forcing the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, to defend failures to uphold laws requiring labels and services in both official languages.

Canada is officially bilingual, but the government has allowed the sale of imported disinfectants labelled only in English because of “the extreme situation in which we find ourselves”, Trudeau said on Tuesday.

“In certain situations, we are ready to allow unilingual signage and labelling,” he said. ...

According to the latest census, almost one-quarter of Canada’s 37 million people speak French on a daily basis.




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