Monday, April 20, 2020

Do Your Damn Job

That's what you're paid for:

MPs returned to the House of Commons after the four main parties failed to reach a unanimous agreement on how parliamentary business should be conducted.

The Liberals announced Sunday they had struck an agreement with the NDP and Bloc Quebecois to have 32 MPs meet in the House in person each Wednesday starting this week, with up to two virtual sessions also added for members to ask questions of the government.

The reason they proposed one sitting per week is so those votes can happen quickly, without having to reconvene an emergency session. Virtual sittings could be added later; a House of Commons committee is currently studying ways that could happen.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters it would be “irresponsible” to resume parliamentary sittings at a time when health experts are urging Canadians to limit their movement and work from home as much as possible to slow the spread of COVID-19.

But Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer condemned the deal on Monday morning, saying Parliament needed to convene more often in order to hold the Liberals accountable for the sweeping measures and vast economic stimulus packages they’re rolling out during the pandemic.

Am I hearing that these clucking pension-drawers can't Skype the nation's business?

Wow ...

And you're not essential, Justin. The Chinese can make a Chatty Kathy doll that looks like you to make substance-less statements from a cottage that isn't even yours. If you really want to isolate yourself, do it so far away from Canada that no one can see you from space.

Why would anyone surrender all of their freedoms to these people?


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