Friday, April 24, 2020

Ending the Lockdown

Remaining in one's bed clothes cannot go on forever.

Tired of an interrupted economy, Saskatchewan has announced that it will lift its lockdown  (in careful and initially partial ways) on May the fourth:

Saskatchewan will reopen its economy and services in five phases starting on May 4.

Premier Scott Moe said Wednesday the coronavirus curve has flattened in the province and the reopening will be gradual and methodical.

But if one province opens, others will follow suit.

That means Justin's vacation will end:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday he will speak to the premiers about guidelines to reopen parts of the economy safely, but he stressed Canada is not yet out of the woods.

Empty words from a man who hides in a cottage and has never built a business or worried about bills.

For many people, waiting for months to resume normal (how droll that sounds!) is not an option:
Patience is something that small business owners might reasonably be asked to display as the economy was shut down on March 16. But a plea for even more patience wasn’t what small business owners want to hear five weeks later on April 22.

You can't throw around money forever.

A small group of people protested coronavirus lockdown restrictions in Vancouver on Sunday. 

The protest which took place in Kitsilano consisted of approximately 25 people who carried signs challenging government-imposed measures.

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