Thursday, June 04, 2020

And the Rest of It

Eighty years ago, the most daring operation in British history - Operation Dynamo - took place which then helped secure inevitable defeat of the Nazi war machine.

Because hating Israel is a Liberal Party priority:

Trudeau is free to criticize Israel, as is any other national leader. Heaven knows many do.

But in the world of realpolitik, Trudeau, the Prime Minister’s Office and Canada’s bureaucrats in the Foreign Affairs ministry know full well that criticism of Israel at the United Nations occurs in a particular context.

That is, the context that the UN General Assembly and its offshoots, such as the UN Human Rights Council, are vipers’ nests of Jew-hatred, dominated by some of the world’s most brutal and hate-filled dictatorships, which hypocritically single out Israel for condemnation because it is the world’s only Jewish state.

One could debate whether or not Justin has given Israel any thought at all but what is apparent is that he will spew the usual anti-Israel platitudes for a chance at a seat at the UN.


Oh, do shut up, Kim!:

The sister of North Korea's leader has warned South Korea to stop defectors from sending leaflets into the demilitarized zone separating the countries, saying it may cancel a recent bilateral military agreement if the activity persists.

Kim Yo Jong, who serves unofficially as Kim Jong Un's chief of staff, issued the warning in a statement carried by state news agency KCNA on Thursday.

She was referring to thousands of "anti-DPRK leaflets" recently dumped along the North's side of the heavily fortified DMZ titled "Defectors from the North".

DPRK, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is the North’s official name.

"If such an act of evil intention committed before our eyes is left to take its own course under the pretext of 'freedom of individuals' and 'freedom of expression', the south Korean authorities must face the worst phase shortly," the KCNA statement said.

Of course it didn't matter:

Cabinet has buried a whistleblower law passed by Parliament to protect bank employees who document illegal sales practices. It is the only major clause of a consumer rights’ bill that has yet to be enforced though MPs and senators voted for it two years ago: “It didn’t matter.”

But there are only two biological sexes:

Kathleen Lowery, an academic at the University of Alberta, has been fired from her role as associate chair of undergraduate programs in the Department of Anthropology for expressing gender-critical feminist ideas, according to the Centre for Free Expression.

"Kathleen Lowrey, an associate professor at the University of Alberta, was asked to resign from her role.. All Professor Lowrey has been told is that she is somehow making the learning environment “unsafe” .. because she is a feminist who holds “gender critical” views."

All of this sounds so familiar.


It’s known that Canada is home to tens of thousands of species of plants and animals, several hundred of which are listed under the federal Species at Risk Act. But what has been harder for biologists to establish is exactly how many of those species are found only in Canada.

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