Friday, June 05, 2020

What. The. Fudge?

For months, everyone was told that getting one's haircut will kill one's grandparents:


Apparently, hitting people with pipes or lumber isn't hazardous to one's health, either.

F--- you, authorities. You've fumbled your way through all of this for the last time. I hope that everyone goes to work, church, school, to the dog park or just to the beach and tells you to stick your frantic warnings up your nostrils.

Police violence, white supremacy, and systemic racism are very serious problems. They produce disparate harms for marginalized communities: politically, economically, and also from a medical standpoint. They exacerbate health inequities. But they are not epidemics in the same way that the coronavirus is an epidemic, and it's an abuse of the English language to pretend otherwise. Police violence is a metaphorical plague. COVID-19 is a literal plague.

And - why didn't people think about this before?:


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