Tuesday, June 02, 2020

"Don't Hide Behind the WHO and Flimsy Reasons For Rioting."

Who is the coward again?:


(Sidebar: not that anyone should care what Canadians think as these riots are - for the most part - an American matter but PM Blackface has given pretense to being a grave voice of reason in all of this.  He furrowed his brow in vain trying to come up with an answer for a full twenty-one seconds. His handlers should know by now not to let him speak off the cuff or some dreadful gibberish will come out. Anyway, he accuses other Canadians of being racist and, because Canadians largely suffer from low self-esteem, very few have challenged that aspersion. One can ruminate the ways in which Canadians deplore or exhibit racist attitudes and sentiments but those are arguments best left to people who aren't snowboard instructors in the pocket of the Chinese and whose ineffectual handling of the economy and global matters are matched only by his Kim-esque grabs for petty control.)

There are several examples of how the firestorm of rioting and violence are nothing at all like the marches for civil rights in 1960s America. I'll just leave a few examples here and, hopefully, by the end this list of terror and plunder, one will clearly see how utterly absent George Floyd is from this organised Reign of Terror:

(Sidebar: just a warning - some of these clips and articles have some rather shocking material therein.)

Look at Minneapolis Minnesota. Three nights of peace and quiet after four nights of a complete sh–show. Last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Minneapolis and Saint Paul had riots with looting and arson throughout the city. They even attacked a police precinct and burnt the police precinct down. Local news ran 20-24 hours a day showing the looting and fires at night, the aftermath in the morning, and protests in the afternoon for six straight days. All day, every day was RIOT, smoldering ruins, and protests.

Saturday Night it all changed. How?

Governor Walz called up the ENTIRE NATIONAL GUARD and put 4000 troops and over 1500 police on the streets. On Sunday night they added another 7000 troops to the total. The riots stopped. The protests continued, but they were peaceful. Really peaceful. They made speeches, and people actually came together. By Sunday night at 11:30 pm, it was so quiet, they went back to the normal schedule of infomercials and reruns.

Antifa was in Minneapolis. On Saturday and Sunday nights the police finally had time to find and chase down their “work cars.” They were easy to find, because they had no license plates. The police would find them, chase them, and the Antifa soldiers would bail out. The police caught a few. The cars would have things like bats, hand weapons, and demolition tools, rocks and bricks, or wood and flammables inside them.

Antifa would go from site to site and cause havoc. Bust open doors and windows, peel off the plywood coverings, create opportunities for others to loot, or just start fires. Antifa would provide brick and stone projectiles for others to throw at police. Using a car, Antifa could hit 4,5,6 different scenes in one night, leaving a nights work for authorities to clean up the looting and fire at each site. That is called an Antifa force multiplier.

You can even see videos of Antifa PAYING people to do criminal acts.  



A group of people in an SUV drove into a crowd of police and military on Monday night in Buffalo, injuring at least two officers as anti-racism protests swell across the United States, NBC New York reports.





A news editor for a small, independent newspaper was in support of the protests-turned-riots, until they broke into the paper's office and she had to take cover from looters and vandals in the basement. 

The idea of taking any solid action strike some as appalling but for others, it makes sense to hammer down on people who find joy in beating others with lumber:

President Donald Trump on Monday urged U.S. states to crack down on violent protests that have engulfed cities, saying officials should “dominate” and arrest people to restore order after a sixth straight night of vandalism and looting, media reported.

What Antifa fears is federal prosecution.

When the first of these little trust fund sissies figures out he’s not walking out of his cell after 20 minutes with a $50 fine but looking at five years in Leavenworth on a Fed rap, he’ll squeal on his comrades. 4/
This is an opportunity to destroy Antifa root and branch, and to eliminate the armed wing of the Democrat party. Forever


Does Theresa Tam even want to hang onto her job?:

For a long-time, Tam was pushing the “stay home, save lives,” a message that was backed up by the federal government threatening fines and punishment for regular Canadians who ‘violated’ these new laws.

Yet now, there’s another reversal.

Apparently, these new riots and protests in Canada – where there has already been looting by radical elements – are just fine.
“Dr Tam: Go to protests, but don’t yell. Yelling can increase the risk of spreading the virus.”


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