Tuesday, June 23, 2020

In the End, She Loved Big Brother

... according to other members of the Senate:

The Senate’s ethics committee is recommending that Sen. Lynn Beyak‘s suspension from the upper house be lifted now that she has taken anti-racism training and apologized for posting derogatory letters about Indigenous Peoples on her website.

In a report to the Senate, the committee says Beyak has acknowledged the wrongs of her past conduct and committed herself to improvement after taking a four-day program to educate herself about Indigenous history and the role of the Senate in promoting minority rights.

As a result, the committee says Beyak has met the conditions the Senate laid down for returning to the upper house in good standing.

(Sidebar: for more history on this, please see here.)

One needs training to "anti-racist", yes?

Make no doubt about it, this was about ideological re-conditioning over letters few have read and considered.

From this article:

Senator Beyak didn't even write that letter yet that was the very thing for which Andrew Scheer and his ideologically puritan confreres removed her from the party and sent her to be "re-educated".

(Sidebar: how very Soviet of them.)

Read that section. What is wrong with it? Are there errors in it? Can they not be exposed, challenged and corrected? Isn't that what reasonable, inquiring minds do? Or does that fragment contain in it kernels of truth that those with an agenda are uncomfortable with and unwilling to acknowledge?

With shutting up everyone and "re-educating" people, I guess one will never know.

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