Friday, June 12, 2020

This Would Be Embarrassing If No One Else Was In China's Pocket

But they are, so ...:

In that context, the revelation in the Globe and Mail that Champagne has two mortgages, with an outstanding balance of $1.2 million, with the state-owned Bank of China is stupefying.

It’s true, the arrangement has been hidden in full public view on Champagne’s public disclosure statement with the Ethics Commissioner since he became a minister in 2015.

(Sidebar: because transparency.)

But there’s a qualitative difference to holding mortgages with a Chinese bank when you are infrastructure minister, or even trade minister, and being indebted to Communist China as Canada’s most senior diplomat.

I'd say even having business with a Chinese bank is problematic.

Oh, Andy, once you ask some hard questions, the emotional retards in this country instantly become contrary and give unwavering support to the Liberals and their human rights-abusing friends in China:
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer wants Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne to explain how his holding two mortgages with a Chinese bank doesn’t compromise his ability to deal with the People’s Republic.

Scheer wants Champagne to appear before the special House of Commons committee on Canada-China relations and he says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to justify the cabinet appointment there too.

Scheer says Champagne is Canada’s top diplomat and China’s communist leaders can use the $1.2 million he owes on two London properties to the Bank of China as leverage at a time of strained relations.

When one's hatred of anything that isn't Liberal overshadows the common sense that an amoeba possesses, it's time to stop pretending that you are a complex and advanced species.

Just don't.

Canada is firmly in the pocket of China and no one should forget it:

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board yesterday called itself a climate change leader despite millions spent buying stock in Chinese coal companies. “We are thinking about climate change,” Mark Machin, the Board’s $5.9 million-a year CEO, told the Commons finance committee: “We do believe climate change is happening.”

Where is Buttsy on this?

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