Tuesday, May 19, 2020

And the Rest of It

Schools in Ontario will remain closed until September (or so it is said):

Ontario schools will stay closed for the rest of the school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as Premier Doug Ford said Tuesday that returning children to the classroom right now isn’t worth the risk.

Ford said the safety of children is his top priority and that he arrived at the decision after consulting with the province’s public health officials.

The premier said at-home learning will continue throughout the spring and summer and the government will announce a plan for reopening schools in September before the end of June.

“One thing I will never do is take unnecessary risks when it comes to our children,” Ford said. 

“That’s why after careful consideration, after consulting with health experts, it is clear that we cannot open schools at this time. I’m just not going to risk it.”

Schools in Ontario have been closed since March 13 when the government moved to shutdown the province to address the spread of COVID-19.

Since then, the province has launched an online learning portal to help students keep up with their studies at home and promised that high school students that had been scheduled to graduate this spring will still do so.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo doesn't believe he should be penalised for putting elderly coronavirus patients with non-infected elderly persons:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said “nobody” should be prosecuted over coronavirus deaths, including nursing homes, saying older people were "always going to die from this virus."

Cuomo has come under fire for his policy enacted March 25 forcing nursing homes to take in COVID-19 positive patients, which has only recently been reversed.

You b@$#@rd.

Also - mouth-noise is made over the deaths of nursing home residents and an expensive inquiry after which nothing will be resolved is promised:

Ontario is launching an independent commission into the province’s long-term care system.

Long-Term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton says in a statement that the commission will start in September, and in the meantime the government will be finalizing terms of reference, leadership and timelines.

She says “an independent non-partisan commission is the best way to conduct a thorough and expedited review.”

The Ontario Long-Term Care Association, opposition parties and health-care union SEIU have all called for a full public inquiry into the sector.

Nearly 1,400 long-term care residents have died amid COVID-19 outbreaks in the facilities, as well as five staff members.

Justin refuses to comment on the national distraction that went terribly wrong:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declined to comment on the future of the Snowbird fleet on Tuesday after one of the planes crashed in Kamloops, B.C., on Sunday, killing a military public affairs officer and injuring the pilot of the aircraft.

The Canadian Armed Forces is turning to the U.S. Navy for help finding and recovering the wreckage of a Cyclone helicopter that crashed off the coast of Greece last month, killing six service members and raising questions about the rest of the helicopter fleet.

Senior military commanders detailed the plan to recover the helicopter known as Stalker 22 during a briefing Tuesday, noting the Canadian military does not have the capability to recover the helicopter from under about 3,000 metres of water.

Andrew Scheer is no longer seeking to rescind whatever American citizenship he has because screw it! it's a non-issue, a lot of Canadians have American citizenship and/or American relatives, his loyalty to Canada doesn't need to be questioned and when Justin finishes selling off Canada to China and we are all stateless persons, he will need somewhere to go:

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said on Tuesday that he had discontinued the process to rescind his American citizenship when he decided to step down as leader.

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