Saturday, May 23, 2020

Crime Is More Effective With Better Spelling

I have seen more grammatical and spelling errors in online posts written by people who are allegedly English-speaking adults (don't get me started on cohesive writing) than anywhere else.

Errors such as incorrect or lack of capitalisation, pluralising things with an apostrophe and an S, using "that" instead of "who" when referring to people, using "less" instead of "fewer" when speaking of countable nouns, the lamentably far-too-common misuse of your/you're, there/their/they're ...

It all drives me mad. These errors stand out so much that it is hard to get to the matter of what was written.

This bane leads me to this:

Mississippi investigators found the words “Bet you stay home now you hypokrits” spray-painted on the parking lot of a Holly Springs church that burned down early Wednesday morning, a month after the church had legally challenged the city’s stay-at-home orders.

Yes, I suppose that they will now that you have razed their house of worship to the ground for no reason.

Would the beginning of the sentence be better had it started with a noun or pronoun? Is a comma before the misspelled insult too much to ask for? 

After gathering evidence, how will the police apprehend the suspects? Will the (allegedly) guilty parties be given a simple spelling quiz and released only if passed?

It's a start.

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