Monday, May 04, 2020

May the Fourth

... be with you.

What you didn't know about Star Wars:

English sunglass retailer Shade Station recently broke down the numbers on what it might cost to build Darth Vader’s suit in real life. Their final tally? $18.3 million. We’re not actually sure how much Sith Lords get paid, but it sounds like a lucrative profession.

There one has it.

Are you unsure what to celebrate in May?

Worry no longer!:

May 30: Loomis Day

This is a day to honor Mahlon Loomis, an oft-forgotten Washington D.C.-based dentist who received the first U.S. patent on a wireless telegraphy system in 1872—before Guglimo Marconi, who is credited with inventing the first radio, was even born.

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