Friday, May 29, 2020

Because Priorities

While people have been under house arrest because of what China did, Justin has been busy ... buying a seat on the UN security council:

(Sidebar: Canada has no military to speak of and no one listens to it anymore, but whatever ...)

Canada has just 35 personnel involved in UN peacekeeping, a number that compares unfavourably with Ireland and Norway, the two countries with which we are competing for the two spots to represent the Western Europe and Others group. Ireland has around 474 personnel involved in UN missions, while Norway has 65.

The irony is that when Trudeau announced the Security Council bid in February 2016, alongside then UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, he committed Canada to a peacekeeping mission. Two years later, Ban was still waiting  for Canada, as the Trudeau government fretted about the prospect of casualties in hot spots like the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It wasn’t until summer 2018 that Canada deployed 250 personnel and eight helicopters to northern Mali. Within 12 months, the Canadians were gone — departing even before their Romanian replacements had arrived in theatre.

When UN ambassadors vote for the two Western Europe and Others spots on June 17, they will be reminded of Canada’s tendency to over-promise and under-deliver.

But it hasn't always gone smoothly:

With Justin Trudeau’s main foreign policy move – get Canada closer to China – now a total and unmitigated failure and disastrous wreck, the PM is seeking another way to get his fix of international attention.

As Trudeau continues to push for a meaningless UN security council seat, he is taking every chance he can get to speak to the UN.

The latest was a conference about financing development in the ‘Era of COVID-19 and beyond.’

It didn’t go well.

As Trudeau started speaking, the audio played but no video showed up.

Then, technicians were heard talking as the PM was talking.
“.@UN having technical trouble. @JustinTrudeau speaking but there’s no video of him. Meanwhile, you can hear voices of technicians trying to sort things out. – sigh -“

The video did end up working, with Trudeau uttering a bunch of the usual empty platitudes that no country really cares to hear.

It's like the video was a culminated visual of the broken status of Canada, its empty promises and even emptier-headed puppet leader.


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