Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why Don't You Do It?


While parents need to figure out what works best for their own unique situations, taking on the role of a teacher isn’t expected or necessarily beneficial, said Kristina Llewellyn, a social development studies professor at the University of Waterloo.

“We don’t want parents having to take on the burden, thinking they’re responsible for all those learning outcomes,” she told Global News.

But they are.

Parents are the primary educators. That has always been their responsibility and it always should be.

Why do they outsource every aspect of their children's lives to people who never answer calls or respond to e-mails?

If the teachers complain that reviewing children's homework would be a burden, well, that's a red flag right there.

What could be the reason for that deflection?

As a pragmatic, short-term move, keeping the schools closed for the current school year was the right thing to do. There is not enough to be gained educationally to open them for just a few weeks before summer break. That’s the point Ford should have made this week, and he should also have taken the opportunity to begin the challenging task of reassuring parents.

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