Friday, May 08, 2020

Where Are You Getting the Money?

No one asks that question or how it will be taxed and when it has to be repaid.

People should before that imaginary inexhaustible supply of free money dries up and things resemble Leningrad under the siege very quickly:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a wage top-up Thursday for frontline workers dealing with COVID-19, but said it would be up to provincial governments to decide who gets the raise.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday pledged $4 billion in pandemic bonuses for essential minimum wage workers as designated by provinces. The funding raises the federal deficit to a record $256 billion: “The minimum wage sets a floor.”

In case you missed it, the federal government has chosen to dedicate another $70 million to developing a jet fighter plane it doesn’t want to want.

Compared with the billions being thrown around on anything to do with the coronavirus, $70 million rates as chickenfeed. But it brings the tab for the F-35 stealth fighter jet to $541 million to date. This for a plane Stephen Harper’s Conservatives made plain was their choice for the military’s flying forces, to replace what are regularly referred to as “Canada’s aging CF-18s,” but which Liberals, when in opposition, denounced as a disaster waiting to happen, vowing to immediately cancel the contract should they ever come to power.

When they did come to power, Justin Trudeau clung to the notion that the F-35 was some kind of Tory plot to stick Canada’s troops with an inferior product, at vast and wasteful expense.

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