Saturday, May 23, 2020

Wow, Canada Totally Has a Handle On This Coronavirus Thing

When will Canadians go into hiding again?:

Clues are piling up about how governments plan to battle a second wave of the novel coronavirus in the face of a population weary of lockdowns.

“There’s an overwhelming sense internally that people won’t take to a second lockdown,” said the official in the Ontario government. “One thing is for certain we need to give the public some freedom or they won’t accept even basic limits.”

Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we?

Certainly, many Canadians seem antsy about taking steps toward something approaching normal: in a survey of 2,000 Canadians released this week by Carleton University researchers, 79 per cent agreed it’s more important “to minimize avoidable illness and death” than restart the economy prematurely, while 21 per cent expressed a preference for “getting the economy going again,” even if it means more sickness and death.

It's this sort of "journalism", this intellectually and morally dishonest screed-writing that makes people sour off of the bribed press and livid when they have to bail out publications.

Stop depicting people who want to restart the economy as callous and insensible. The entire country has forced everyone into house arrest without doing anything solid to prevent further infections and deaths like stopping all flights from China, the hot zone of this virus, sealing the border, enforcing quarantines for the possibly infected, moving all medical equipment and pharmaceutical production back to Canada where it belongs, maintaining a stockpile of protective equipment (and not lying about it), demanding the wearing of gloves and masks while on errands and  - most crucially - firing the incompetent and partisan mouthpieces who have had more interest in defending China than they have in making some hard decisions that might offend that paper dragon.

What has been accomplished in this nearly three-months long imprisonment? Many elderly people have died alone. People in urgent need of heart operations have died. Even the newly stalwart breed of store-workers have been getting ill or dying.

How long will the economy be shut down because people don't want to re-evaluate what has worked and what hasn't?

Canadians are like children who think that money magically appears:

By a 2 to 1 margin (64% to 36%), Canadians want governments to spend whatever is required to rebuild and stimulate the economy, even if it means running large deficits for the foreseeable future, rather than reduce spending and get the budget deficit in control, even if it means a slower recovery.

Enjoy being Venezuela, Canada.

That doesn't sound like you have nothing to hide:

During a meeting of the government operations committee, NDP MP Matthew Green asked Tam if she had advised the government on the emergency national medical stockpile being underfunded.

Then, stunningly, Hajdu interjected, blocking Tam from answering and saying it was ‘confidential.’

Patty Hajdu will resign to "be with family" and then take a lucrative position with a Chinese company.

Calling it now.

The government is crammed to the rafters with craven, money-grubbing scum:

Facing a significant drop in donations during the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal Liberal, Conservatives and New Democratic parties have all applied for the Trudeau government’s wage subsidy.


Blanchet’s obvious disinclination to have anything to do with Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, and his equally obvious “at-homeness” with Trudeau, is the Liberals’ security blanket. What else has allowed the Liberals to upend the venerable traditions of Parliament and go on a spending spree that isolates their administration as the Imelda Marcos of modern democracies? ...

Now Blanchet, as leader of the Bloc and messiah of a broken Canada, is no friend of the Canadian Parliament. His sleep must be a playground of dreams for the day when Ottawa’s Parliament is no more; that, separatism triumphant, the Canada we have known for a century and a half, and the Parliament which has been its instrument and protector, are both shells of their former glory.

So what does he do, what arrow does he draw from his tactical quiver, to bring Trudeau to heel on the Bloc’s latest demands? What menace can he present to the prime minister, what scourge so fearful, that Trudeau must succumb to his, Blanchet’s, pleadings?

Well, (can the Sergeant-at-Arms do a drumroll, please) here it is:

“The Bloc Québécois is threatening to support a resumption of in-person sittings of the House of Commons five days a week if the Trudeau government doesn’t agree to a number of demands.”

Do what he wants or you will all have to go back to work?


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