Friday, May 08, 2020

From the Most Corrupt and Opaque Government Ever Re-Elected

Canadians are getting the government they deserve good and hard:

The picture in Canada has been more sedate, exhibiting what Heather MacDougall, a University of Waterloo historian of medicine and Canadian public policy on infectious diseases like SARS and avian flu, described as the “feminization of public health work.” Many of Canada’s chief medical officers are women, notably the ones whose profile and public trust has been highest through the pandemic, such as Bonnie Henry in British Columbia and Theresa Tam nationally.

“Trump would not be able to handle the strong women who are dealing with this crisis in this country, because he has to be totally in charge. I think it says a lot about Canadian politicians that basically from the get go, they have recognized that these people are the experts and it’s up to the politicians to take their advice and make it palatable to the public,” MacDougall said.

Well, let's take a good look at the girls in charge, shall we?

We have Justin and his plethora of issues.

And then we have Patty Hajdu, Dr. Theresa Tam and various other "strong women":

Afraid that Health Minister Patty Hajdu’s weird international role as one of China’s chief apologists in this whole sordid mess – to say nothing of his own government’s various and successively contradictory WHO-complaint rationales and excuses for being one of the last countries in the northern hemisphere to maintain an open-border policy – will make Prime Minister Trudeau look rather unforgivably shabby, even with all the benefit that hindsight should reasonably allow. ...

Beijing has made it plain that supreme ruler Xi Jinping is dead set against the idea of an independent inquiry, and the WHO itself has been trying to contain the uproars by enlisting UN member states to back an internal WHO review instead. On April 20, International Development Minister Karina Gould told WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus that his plan for a “post-crisis after-action review” has Canada’s support.

But the science tells its own story. It tracks the creature’s genetic footprints across the face of the earth, and its arrival and diffusion in Canada, without the aid of a teleprompter or speaking notes. The story offers no heroic role to Health Minister Patty Hajdu, and it is of no particular use to the Trudeau government’s justifications for waiting until March 18 before shuttering the international arrivals sections at most of Canada’s airports. Neither does it offer any special comfort to those among Ottawa’s critics who wanted all direct flights from China shut down weeks before that.

Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, takes questions from selected media at press conferences most days but since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic 48 days ago, she has failed to appear before the parliamentary health committee, even as it has met six times.

This committee has been crucial to Canada’s effort to stop the virus. For three months now, its determined group of NDP, Conservative, Bloc and Liberal MPs have dug into the pandemic like no one else, pushing officials like Tam on whether they have the right policies in place.

But twice, on March 11 and March 31, Tam has said she’s going to show at the committee but then cancelled at the last minute, say Conservative MP Matt Jeneroux of Edmonton and NDP MP Don Davies of Vancouver.

Now, Trump has a number of capable women working in his administration but that is beside the point.

When Canadians cannot defend their words or deeds - in this case, the stunning incompetence and apologia for China and its medical pet, the WHO - they attempt to paint the Americans as somehow deficient, all of which comes across as weak, snivelling, dishonest, arrogant and atrociously self-conscious. A functioning adult with a hint of ethics does not deflect blame from his or herself (as a certain prime minister did with his groping and blackface-wearing) but takes a moment to see how his or her actions have harmed others and themselves.

Canada is not that functioning adult.

People like Theresa Tam have destroyed their credibility with no help from imaginary bigots or chauvinists.

Their records speak for themselves.

One band to rule them all ... :
A draft agreement between the Trudeau government and the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs will give the hereditary chiefs sweeping powers over natural resource development.

... and in the darkness, bind them!

I suppose that it's none of our business anyway:

Prosperity Minister Mona Fortier yesterday refused to detail confidential federal research that calculated farmers’ cost of the carbon tax. Cabinet disclosed the internal study in a routine Commons tabling, but said findings were secret: “We know you know.”

(Sidebar: yeah, I didn't know that prosperity ministers were things, either.)

If anyone else had wasted so much money and in a time of crisis as this @$$hole, he would be sent packing:
With the increased restrictions brought forth by the coronavirus pandemic, Trudeau is hoping that Canada’s role in organizing and leading international virtual conferences will give Canada’s bid a better chance. 

“The best campaign is when we don’t need to campaign, when we just show our leadership, that this is the type of voice that you would want at the Security Council,” Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne told CBC News.

(Sidebar: this Champagne.)

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