Thursday, July 04, 2024

Censorship Bill to Cost $200 Million Over Five Years

The cost of Justin never reading a mean tweet again:

The parliamentary budget officer estimates that staffing up the new regulators in the Liberals’ Online Harms Act will cost around $200 million over five years.

The federal government wants to establish a Digital Safety Commission to regulate social-media companies and force them to limit harmful content online.

If the government legislation passes in Parliament, that commission would establish a set of regulations and have the power to levy fines against companies that break the rules.

The online harms bill also proposes creating a Digital Safety Ombudsperson that Canadians can bring their concerns to, as well as a new Digital Safety Office.

In a report published Thursday morning, the PBO says the Heritage Department estimates those new entities will employ about 300 people when they’re fully up and running.


Unelected bodies will act on the government's behest to censor any tweet, post, comment and then force every media company to flee Canada, until there is left only the official mouthpieces.


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