Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Assembly of First Nations Passes A Motion Preventing a Financial Audit

Where is the accountability?:

The Assembly of First Nations passed an emergency resolution at its general assembly in Montreal Tuesday calling off a forensic audit that had been pushed by former national chief RoseAnne Archibald before she was ousted as national chief last year.

The resolution said the audit of the AFN's books was "not warranted and should not be undertaken" on the advice of accounting firm BDO which did a review.

Archibald first called for the audit in 2022 as allegations of financial impropriety were levied at the AFN. At the annual general assembly that year chiefs voted in favour of a resolution to audit 10 years of AFN finances with special attention on salaries and contracts.

After she was voted out in June 2023, Archibald said the audit should still go ahead.

In an emergency resolution Tuesday, chiefs voted to cancel it and instead directed the assembly to comply with the Canada Labour Code.

The resolution said the BDO review had focused on three things: severance packages for former employees, contracts and credit cards.

"BDO collected documents to review and conducted interviews with various individuals, including past and present AFN employees and former national chief Archibald," the resolution says.

As a result of that review, BDO concluded a forensic audit is not recommended, but that the AFN should update its financial policies and enforcement provisions.


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