Tuesday, July 23, 2024

No Country For Anyone

Not IF, but WHEN:

The terrorist attack by a Canadian man attempting to stab guards outside of a town in southern Israel is being called a “wake-up call” over growing antisemitic extremism in Canada, and a warning sign of what happens when it is left unchecked. ...

Iddo Moed, Israel’s ambassador to Canada, said that growing anti-Israel extremism, particularly online, should serve as a wake-up call to Canadians.

“It’s dangerous for Israel, and it may also be dangerous for Canada,” he said.

“It’s a wake-up call for the international communities that something is happening here. Within the international context, it’s dangerous.”

Canada became a hot spot of antisemitic incidents following the October 7 attacks, with anti-Israel protesters regularly holding demonstrations and rallies in Jewish neighbourhoods around Toronto. Synagogues were vandalized, Jewish businesses have been attacked, and gunshots were fired at Jewish schools.


First of all, Canadians do not care. At all. 

As far as they are concerned, nothing happening in other countries affects them.

What's on Netflix?

Secondly, the Liberals and the NDP need the votes of people like the above idiot.

This is to say nothing of how they see Israel, an interloping state with no claim on the land.



It's not short-sightedness but support:

Israel’s rapid progress in dismantling Hamas’s last remaining stronghold in Gaza exposes the counterproductive role played by Justin Trudeau and do-gooders of his ilk, who needlessly stonewalled the Rafah operation earlier this year.

Israel has made vital strategic gains since breaching the city in early May, pivotally snuffing out Hamas’s smuggling operations along the Philadelphia corridor between Gaza and Egypt. The Israel Defense Forces has also rooted out multiple high-value targets in and around Rafah, recently carrying out a strike that likely killed October 7 mastermind Mohammed Deif. ...

What’s more, the shifting of the conflict’s focus to Rafah has coincided with a sharp decline in the proportion of women and children killed in the fighting — a finding borne out in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Authority’s own data. This welcome trend flies in the face of the Western hand-wringing over Israel’s plans to enter the Hamas stronghold.

Trudeau’s sky-is-falling rhetoric surrounding an Israeli incursion into Rafah has aged especially poorly amidst the recent developments.

“A military operation into Rafah would be catastrophic,” wrote Trudeau in February, joined by the prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand. “With the humanitarian situation in Gaza already dire, the impacts on Palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating.”

“We urge the Israeli government not to go down this path,” continued the joint communiqué. “There is simply nowhere else for civilians to go.”

One month later, Trudeau voted in favour of an NDP-sponsored motion calling for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, joined by 145 of his fellow Liberals. The text of the motion called on the Trudeau-led federal government to “cease the further authorization and transfer of arms exports to Israel.”

Trudeau and other alarmists were made to eat their words when Israel safely evacuated almost a million Palestinians from Rafah within days of initiating ground operations on May 6. The ground invasion of Rafah has likely saved Palestinian lives by allowing the IDF to target remnants of Hamas in a more focused, precise manner, relying less on aerial bombing raids.



Not a Canadian:

The Israeli military said that a Canadian man was killed after he attempted to stab Israeli security forces with a knife at the entrance to an Israeli town along the Gaza border on Monday morning.

According to Israel’s Army Radio, the attacker arrived at the security checkpoint by car and in English started accusing Israel of carrying out atrocities in Gaza, before reaching into his car and taking out a knife. Security forces shot and killed the man. There were no other injuries reported.

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