Tuesday, July 30, 2024

No Country For Anyone

I think that it is time for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop trying to reason with the countries pitted against him and do what he must to protect the Israel, the country he was elected to serve:

Hamas is filming the torture of Israeli hostages in anattempt to force Israel to ease conditions for Palestinian prisoners.

In one video, members of the terrorist group directly address Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s national security minister who controls prison policy, two Israeli officials told The Telegraph.

The video shows hostages being tortured while Hamas warn that harsher conditions for Palestinian prisoners held in Israel are affecting the well-being of hostages in Gaza.

There will be a time when Canadians rue being contrary for the sake of it:

In a letter Wednesday to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) expressed concern over the program, which he warned could lead to an increased risk of allowing individuals with ties to terror groups easy access to the United States.
Article content
“On May 27, 2024, the Government of Canada announced its intent to increase the number of Gazans who will be allowed into their country under temporary special measures,” Rubio wrote in his letter, which was signed by five other Republican senators.
“We are deeply concerned and request heightened scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security should any of them attempt to enter the United States at ports of entry as well as between ports of entry.”
Cosigning the letter were fellow senators Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Joni Ernst and Josh Hawley.
Last month, Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced a five-fold increase in the number of Gazan refugees let into Canada, upping the program’s cap to 5,000 people.

(Sidebar: the Liberals want October 7th to happen here.)

The government’s initial cap on Palestinian refugees was 1,000.
As well, Palestinian refugees will be able to apply for work and study permits without charge.


These Palestinians:

  • The Hamas document [which purports to explain why it massacred 1,200 Israelis on October 7, 2023] lists a number of reasons, all of which can be easily refuted, as to why the terrorist group launched its attack on Israel.

  • This claim is totally untrue: there are absolutely no Israeli "plans" to split the Al-Aqsa Mosque into a Jewish and Muslim area or to convert it into a Jewish site.

  • The purported "plans" exist only in the imagination of Hamas and other Palestinians. It is simply part of a Palestinian campaign of defamation against Israel to try to justify the murder of Jews.

  • According to the "status quo," formulated by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in 1967, Jews would not be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount but would be able to visit the site.

  • While Israel has respected the status quo, Muslims have consistently violated it in an apparent attempt to deepen their hold on the holy site.

  • It is also important to note that Hamas and many Palestinians consider all Jews "settlers," regardless of whether they live in Tel Aviv, or in a settlement in the West Bank, or in New York.

  • Hamas further claims that it launched its attack because of "thousands of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails who are experiencing deprivation of their basic rights."

  • Most of the "detainees" Hamas is referring to are convicted terrorists who were imprisoned for murdering or attempting to murder people (usually Jews). For many years, these terrorist prisoners have enjoyed comfortable conditions, especially when it comes to entertainment and leisure. A variety of exercise equipment – including ping-pong tables, stationary bicycles and pull-up bars (in addition to chess) – is available. Each prison cell is equipped with a television, and the prisoners have access to at least 10 channels. Palestinian prisoners, in addition, are entitled to family visits and unlimited access to lawyers.

  • In contrast, both the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip have been accused by human rights organizations of "systematically torturing critics" in detention. A report published by Human Rights Watch in 2022 said: "PA and Hamas security forces routinely taunt and threaten detainees, use solitary confinement and beatings, including whipping their feet, and force detainees into painful stress positions for prolonged periods, including hoisting their arms behind their backs with cables or rope, to punish and intimidate critics and opponents and elicit confessions..."

  • As of October 7, 2023, an estimated 18,000 - 18,500 residents of the Gaza Strip held work permits issued by the Israeli authorities to enable them to work in Israel, where their pay is five times higher than in Gaza. As noted last month: "Many of those workers to whom Israel opened its doors were apparently working in Israel by day, and by night returning to Gaza and providing Hamas with highly detailed maps and drawings of every house in Israel's border communities, and reports about everyone in them, including the pet dogs."

  • Israel can only conclude that "no good deed goes unpunished."

  • Hamas also claims it launched its attack on Israel because of the "seven million Palestinians living in extreme conditions in refugee camps who wish to return to their lands." If the "refugees" are living in extreme conditions, it is because their leaders have failed to permit the building of new homes for them or to improve their living conditions. There is no reason why "refugee camps" continue to exist under the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, under Hamas in the Gaza Strip or anyplace else.

  • The same abuse applies to the Arab countries hosting Palestinian "refugees": Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. What have these countries done to incorporate their Palestinian brethren? Nothing. There is no reason why a Palestinian living in an Arab country should be treated as a "refugee" or a second-class citizen.

  • Hamas, in its document, is actually stating that it sent its men to murder, rape and kidnap Jews because Israel refused to open its borders to millions of Palestinian "refugees" who are told to murder Jews and destroy the only Jewish state.

  • Finally, Hamas argues that it launched its attack because of the international community and world powers seeking to "prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state." This claim, of course, is completely false. In fact, most of the international community, including the United States, the EU, Russia and China, have long been pushing hard for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

  • If anyone is to blame for the failure of the "two-state solution," it is Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. The leaders of the PA were presented with multiple opportunities to create a state of their own, but each time declined Israel's offer of peace without so much as a counteroffer.

  • [I]is laughable to hear Hamas lament the failure of the "two-state solution." This is an organization whose charter openly calls for waging Jihad (holy war) to obliterate Israel... "Resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah." – Article 23, of the "new, improved" Hamas Charter of 2017.

  • Hamas's attempt to defend its crimes against Israelis should be seen as part of its attempts to mislead and fool the international community.

  • The October 7 massacre was orchestrated by Hamas with the sole intent of slaughtering as many Jews as possible as part of its Jihad to destroy Israel. Period.


The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced early Thursday morning that troops had recovered from the Gaza Strip and returned to Israel on Wednesday five bodies of hostages.

The hostages are Maya Goren, Sgt. Kiril Brodski, Staff-Sergeant Tomer Achimas, Oren Goldin, and Warrant Officer (res.) Ravid Aryeh Katz. 

The joint operation in Khan Yunis was conducted based on precise intelligence information obtained, among other things, from Shin Bet investigations of terrorists, the military said. 



Oh, f--- off, Canada!:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for Israel to "respond substantively" to the top United Nations court's recent advisory opinion that Israel's presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is unlawful and that it should end.

The International Court of Justice's non-binding opinion released last week was an unprecedented, sweeping condemnation of Israel's rule over the lands it captured 57 years ago.

Trudeau responded to the court's advice as part of a joint statement from Canada, Australia and New Zealand on Friday, calling for the reversal of settlements in the West Bank.

The statement, released by the Prime Minister's Office, calls on Israel to "ensure accountability for ongoing acts of violence against Palestinians by extremist settlers, reverse the record expansion of settlements in the West Bank which are illegal under international law, and work towards a two-state solution."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly denounced the non-binding opinion last week, and insisted the territories are part of the Jewish people’s historic homeland.


You're not even important enough to get a phone-call returned.


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