Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Your Craven, Greedy, Incompetent, Apathetic Government and You

Canada would work so much better if there weren't any Canadians in it (think the Liberals): 

After breaking ground in 2023, the company building a plant to produce battery components for electric vehicles in a municipality near Kingston, Ont., says it's delaying construction of the plant citing a slowdown in EV sales.

In a statement to CBC News, Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Inc. said Friday that its project in Loyalist Township is impacted by the "significant worsening of the EV market context and the impacts this has on the entire supply chain."

The project carried a total price tag of up to $2.76 billion and was projected to create 600 jobs in the region back in 2023. According to a news release at the time from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the federal government was slated to invest up to $551.3 million.

The province was to pay up to $424.6 million, but a source familiar with the project said that as of Friday, no provincial money has flowed to Umicore.


Although the Liberal government has placed an annual price tag of $60-billion on its commitment to spend two per cent of Canada’s GDP on defence by 2032, unless a boost is on the way, it will still likely fall short when the goalposts funds needed to reach the NATO-sanctioned metric shift.

That's because she's a cheat:

Canada's Trade Minister Mary Ng has dismissed U.S. protests over Canada's record on protecting copyright owners as merely a "political tool," according to a staff briefing note.

So went St. Paul ... :

Voters in two Canadian ridings — one in Quebec and another in Manitoba — will head to the polls in September, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday in announcing that the campaign period for the pair of byelections has begun.

The byelections will be held Sept. 16.


Oh, look - another scandal:


Liberal appointee Annette Verschuren breached the Conflict Of Interest Act in voting a $217,661 grant to her own company, the Ethics Commissioner ruled yesterday. Verschuren, a Liberal donor, was chair of now-disbanded Sustainable Development Technology Canada at the time: “She was required to recuse herself from those matters and failed to do so.”


Well, it's not like Justin has to run away from these people or anything:

Ms. Dunn’s murder is one example of  what the premiers described as a growing trend of “repeat and violent offenders being released into our communities without proper considerations,” in the letter they penned at last week’s Council of the Federation meeting.

Bill C-48, which became law in January, places a reverse onus on violent offenders, forcing them to remain in detention while awaiting trial unless they can prove they are not a flight risk or a threat to public safety. It remains unclear why Mr. Mann was released despite apparently failing to meet the terms of the legislation. ...

The man accused in Ms. Dunn’s murder was once deemed an “unmanageable risk” unsuitable for community supervision, in a pre-sentencing report after he was convicted of a home invasion in Ontario more than a decade ago.



Yes, now, about this immigration thing.

(Sidebar: I do remember everyone wanting to stick it to that awful Trump! Who is saying that now?)

It's all very well and good to lay out the welcome mat, but has one created industries in which the unvetted masses will find jobs, homes, found school placements for their children, and are these masses willing to remain in Canada, truly be Canadian, and actually reimburse their new land for the immense costs of their care?

Why isn't anyone answering?:

Cash grants to Ukrainian war refugees have cost taxpayers more than $753 million to date, records show. The Department of Immigration earlier acknowledged a “perception of unfairness regarding the treatment of the Ukrainian population.”

Bank of Canada analysts yesterday disputed cabinet claims immigration is an immediate net benefit to the country. Immigrants typically drive up rents, are slow to get a job and contribute “to inflationary pressures in some sectors,” said the Bank: “Housing supply has not kept up.”

This is to say nothing of how unwilling the Liberals want the unvetted masses to assimilate (or even Canadians):

A taxpayer-funded guidebook instructing schoolchildren to identify the Conservative Party with bigots was approved by then-Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen’s office, Access To Information records show. The guide also called the Red Ensign a hate symbol and provided tips on how to confront classmates with incorrect thinking: “Hype up the initiative.”


Ahmed Hussen is an awful, hate-mongering douche-tool. 

Also - the Liberals have just the man for the job - a morally repugnant bag of Jew-hating smug:

Justice Minister Arif Virani announced the probe into the appointment of Birju Dattani after hearing concerns from organizations about anti-Israel posts he made under a different name while attending graduate school in London several years ago.
Article content
Dattani, the first Muslim and visibility minority to hold the role, has called the allegations against him unfounded. He previously told National Post he believes the investigation would “vindicate (his) longstanding commitment to human rights.”
The Department of Justice said in a statement it has retained employment lawyer Sarah Crossley of the firm Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti to lead the independent review.

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