Monday, July 15, 2024

The Victory of Trump


And it's not even November.

Already leading in early polls, the failed assassination (of which there are several questions) has further launched the former and future president back into the White House. 

That is not the only boon for Trump:

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case on July 15, finding that special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional.

“The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a special counsel,” Mr. Carr said in a statement.



Former President Donald Trump announced on July 15 that Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) will be his running mate, ending months of speculation.

“After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio,” former President Trump wrote in a statement on Truth Social.


Having the advantage of not being a senile weasel, Trump was already a preferred candidate over the man who, for the past four years, helmed an economic train wreck that was once a stable economy.

This assassination attempt further shows how many would be glad to see the populist (not a dirty word) return to the Oval Office.

It has also exposed some sour grapes and some shorts-wetting.

To wit:

When Trump rose from what could have been his deathbed had the bullet passed only a millimeter more to the right, and pumped the air with his fist, shouting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”, I felt a sense of electricity pass down my spine. Many Americans no doubt did—and maybe European conservatives too, sick and tired of left-wing bullying. It is early yet, and we don’t know at this writing what the motivations of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, might have been. Yet speaking emotionally—and people vote on emotions more than on dispassionate reasoning—this is what it feels like to me. This is the pattern that I see:

  • They wouldn’t leave Evangelical Christian Jack Phillips alone to bake his cakes and run his business.
  • They won’t let parents know if their children are transitioning themselves in school.
  • They won’t let parents remove pornographic books from school libraries.
  • They teach little children and teenage minors to hate everything normal—their families, their own bodies, even their very identity.
  • They told us that the President of the United States was a Russian Manchurian (Siberian?) candidate, and crippled his administration with these lies.
  • They told us Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, though they knew it was not.
  • They lied to us about COVID and its origins.
  • They told us that we couldn’t have even a semblance of a normal life because of COVID…unless we were going out onto the streets to protest racism, or burn the cities down to honor George Floyd in “mostly peaceful” riots.
  • They have turned professional journalism into propaganda to support left-wing narratives. For example, they ignored obvious signs of Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline into decrepitude, until he choked on live TV—and are now shocked, shocked that the White House deceived them.
  • They tried to ruin a high school kid who wore a MAGA hat on the Washington Mall, set upon by a provocative left-wing activist, as a bigot.
  • They have conspired to destroy institutions essential to running society by keeping out the accomplished and the meritorious, for the sake of letting in those who are incapable of doing the work, but who possess the favored demographic profile.
  • They have divided America and made us fear and loathe each other on racial lines.
  • They have demonized white people—especially white men.
  • They have destroyed statues and attempted to rewrite American history to reflect ideological convictions.
  • They have led near-pogroms against Jews on elite American campuses, permitted looting in American downtowns, and in some West Coast cities, allowed Antifa to carry out a reign of terror.
  • They secretly pressured, via the power of the transgender Biden assistant health secretary, a policymaking medical organization to abandon scientific considerations in order to eliminate lower limits on sexually and psychologically mutilating children.
  • They passed laws in some states allowing the government to seize minor children from their uncooperative parents, for the sake of sexually and psychologically mutilating them.
  • They are destroying women’s sports, and making women everywhere more vulnerable to mentally unwell men who think they are women.
  • They gaslit us into war in Iraq, and now they’ve gaslit us into an ongoing, unwinnable war against Russia, risking World War III for no plausible national interest, and to the benefit of the defense contractors.
  • They are wrecking the military with DEI, such that fewer normal men want to serve.
  • They have frightened millions of Americans into silence over fear of cancellation.
  • They have left the back door into the U.S. wide open for migrants, including Hezbollah fighters, likely Chinese agents, and others.
  • They shipped America’s manufacturing base overseas, and blame Americans for being unhappy with their economic prospects.
  • They colluded with their European elite counterparts to demonize Hungary and to trick Europe into turning itself into a vassal of American interests.
  • They deregulated Wall Street, and when it blew up in 2008, managed to avoid punishing anyone for it.
  • They failed in Iraq and Afghanistan, but no senior military commander lost his job for it, even though the 2014 Afghanistan Papers report revealed that the Pentagon didn’t know what it was doing, and didn’t care.
  • They swept under the rug all those American soldiers, physically and psychologically maimed by the invasion of Iraq on false pretenses, and by the stupidity of trying to build a liberal democracy in Afghanistan.
  • They declared that Americans who dissent from all this are on the “far right” and might be “domestic terrorists”—while mollycoddling violent leftists.
  • And now … an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate of the Right who, however raggedly, defied what they stand for.


Now Justin is going to have to face Trump in the next year:

The torrent of online threats against public officials has led some Canadians to believe they can threaten, encourage and cheer on political violence with impunity, newly released government documents warn.

Canadian intelligence officials say threatening rhetoric is increasingly seen as a legitimate way to express frustrations, grievances and dissent, fuelling a surge of often violent threats against elected and public officials.

The documents raise yet more questions about how social media companies, police and political parties should respond to online violence, with security officials warning that it can lead to real-world physical harm.

“Vulnerable individuals — notably those experiencing personal or economic stressors — can be heavily influenced by disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories that focus on symbols of authority, including political figures and uniformed personnel,” reads a memo prepared ahead of Canada Day celebrations in 2022.

“These narratives can inspire an act of violence,” the memo says.


And when have they? 

Was it after the convoy in which police trampled people with horses, put their knees to the necks of attendants, and seized bank accounts?

Why not use tanks?


The Liberals will, of course, use this as a pretext to pass their latest censorship bill and further quash the electorate.

Whatever it takes.

Oh, no one cares about Justin:

Also on Sunday, Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said top security officials in Canada have assured him that they have upped their vigilance following the attack.

In a series of posts on social media on Sunday, LeBlanc said he met with RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme, David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and Public Safety Canada officials.


Seriously, who lights a candle for that moron?


Bitter much?:

In a statement on Sunday, UBC spokesperson Thandi Fletcher said, “The university is aware of Dr. Pinder’s post and is looking into the matter. The university does not condone violence of any kind.”


Rather, you're not going to do a damn thing because you agree with Pinder.

Remove tenure and let's see any more of these sorts of comments.

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