Tuesday, July 16, 2024

No Country For Anyone

Withdraw from the UN today:

"The full scope of this unprecedented infiltration was unknown and became clear only after the October 7th terrorist attack on Israel, in which, as you know, UNRWA employees actively participated," the letter says.

"I wish to recall that Ms. Catherine Colonna, former French Foreign Minister, who led the Independent Review group on UNRWA, determined... that 'any involvement in a militarized group that promotes discrimination or violence, such as Hamas or Islamic Jihad, violates the principle of neutrality,'" the letter continued.

"I would like to take this opportunity and share with you soe additional information on this matter. Based on the digital list of employees which UNRWA provided Israel after recurring requests, we managed to expose Hamas and PIJ operatives employed by UNRWA. Please find attached a document containing 108 names and IDs of terrorist operatives who are currently employed by UNRWA-Gaza."

The letter says that there are many more names, but they could not be included for intelligence considerations.

"Israel expects from you and your organization to immediately terminate the employment of any member of Hamas or PIJ, including the specific individuals that appear in the list attached to this letter."



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