Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Oh, America ...

What a mess: 

Comedian and podcaster Adam Carolla put Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom in his place after Thursday night’s debacle of a debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.  

Gavin traveled to Atlanta, Georgia where the debate was held to act as a surrogate for Biden. 

In a post-debate interview, the Democrat governor thought he would be asked his thoughts about Biden’s disappointing performance, instead, Carolla used the opportunity to criticize him for his COVID-19 draconian measures. 

“Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during COVID?” Carolla asked. 

With Newsom speechless, Carolla continued to grill him over his COVID tyranny. The governor attempted to defend his policies but only seemed to dig himself into a deeper hole. 

“We tried to keep people alive,” Newsom began, but Carolla pointed out that sunshine and exercise would have kept people healthy. 

The political commentator also bashed Newsom for arresting someone paddle boarding in the middle of the ocean—who technically was abiding by the ridiculous six-foot social distancing rule. 

Newsom then tried to pivot the interview by addressing the debate after Carolla grilled him on why he shut down restaurants. 

Earlier this week, Carolla called Newsom a “buffoon,” saying he has had enough of the governor’s “sociopathic” policies. 

Carolla announced that he was packing his bags and leaving California, adding that the state’s problems are "self-imposed" and "super avoidable.” 

“I say to a lot of people like, when's it end? When do we change course? And the number one answer is, 'We haven't bottomed out yet. We're getting near it. We haven't totally bottomed out.' And then I say, ‘Why is it necessary to bottom out?’” He said. “It's like saying, you know, I was looking for some stuff in my son's room and I found some syringes and a baggie of heroin. But he hasn't flatlined yet, okay? I have not walked in and seen foam coming out of his mouth or him convulsing. And you go, 'Yeah, I know, but why don't you get him in some treatment now?' And you go 'Because his heart hasn't stopped yet.' And it's like, ‘Yeah, I know, but why do we have to bottom out?’ We know where we're going. Let's reverse course. California and Los Angeles can't do it.”

After Biden once again made a fool of himself in front of the nation, rumors claiming that Newsom would replace the 81-year-old president in the 2024 race seemed more realistic. 

However, according to a March Rasmussen Reports survey, 51 percent of respondents said they would vote for former President Donald Trump over Newsom in a head-to-head matchup, while only 34 percent favored the California governor.

The COVID debacle is just ONE thing to hang on Newsom.


No senile chair-moistener is in any position to tell anyone what's what, especially if the issue is hyped beyond reason:

The Biden administration told emergency room doctors they must perform emergency abortions when necessary to save a pregnant woman’s health, following last week’s Supreme Court ruling that failed to settle a legal dispute over whether state abortion bans override a federal law requiring hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment.

In a letter being sent Tuesday to doctor and hospital associations, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure reminded hospitals of their legal duty to offer stabilizing treatment, which could include abortions. A copy of the letter was obtained by The Associated Press.

“No pregnant woman or her family should have to even begin to worry that she could be denied the treatment she needs to stabilize her emergency medical condition in the emergency room,” the letter said.


Oh, go and get your @$$ kicked again by Trump, you fraud!

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