Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Did Doug Ford Do Ontarians A Solid Favour?

I believe he did:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford released a video on Monday unveiling an online map that displays licensed alcohol retailers across the province.

In a video shared on the Premier’s X account on Monday, Ford announced that the new map, available on the province’s website, features a growing list of “beer, wine, cider, coolers, and even spirit” retailers across Ontario.

Ford is seen in the video grilling burgers on a backyard deck next to a selection of Ontario craft beers. He then sits down with a laptop and showcases the searchable map, released on Monday after about 9,000 Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) workers walked off the job last week.

“Say you want to buy some Ontario craft beer, just zoom in on where you are, click the filter for beer, and look at all the fantastic options that pop up,” he says.

“It also supports our plan to offer consumers the kind of choice and convenience available to other Canadians when purchasing alcoholic beverages, starting later this summer,” he adds. (Ford revealed back in 2012 he “has never drank for twenty, thirty years.” Toronto Star reporter Robert Benzies corroborated that Ford was a committed teetotaler, who also avoids red meat, in 2020.)


Oh, burn, LCBO.

Start privatising alcohol sales.

Stop propping up self-important unions willing to screw over the consumer.

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