Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mid-Week Post

 Your middle-of-the-week cloud burst ...


Justin is a sponge, a deadbeat, and an ignoramus.

By extension, so is Canada:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on the defensive about Canada’s defence spending Tuesday as he gave a speech ahead of the NATO leaders’ summit in Washington, D.C.

Trudeau spoke to about 100 people at the Canadian Embassy, touting his government’s leadership in the alliance on climate change and the recent accreditation of the country’s first NATO centre of excellence in Montreal, which is focused on climate change and security. ...

The meeting included some of the 23 senators who wrote Trudeau a letter in May urging him to come to the summit with a clear plan to meet the NATO target. Under Canada’s new defence policy, the federal government estimates its defence spending will rise to 1.76 per cent of GDP by 2029-30. The senators called that “profoundly disappointing” in the letter.

Following the meeting, McConnell called Canada out for its spending failures.

“Shared values and close economic ties have always been the strength of the U.S.-Canada relationship,” McConnell said on X. “But it’s time for our northern ally to invest seriously in the hard power required to help preserve prosperity and security.”

On Monday afternoon, Defence Minister Bill Blair said he looks forward to talking with allies about Canada’s “credible, verifiable” defence spending plan.


Now, about that, Bill Blair has been caught in a lie:

Defence Minister Bill Blair inflated numbers on military spending, says a Budget Office report. It follows Department of National Defence in-house polling that found half of Canadians believe the military is underfunded: “Do you feel Canada’s military is underfunded, overfunded or receives about the right amount?”

A serious country knows that it must live up to its agreements. Canada is required to spend 2% of its GDP on defense it it wants to stay in NATO.

We are nowhere near that and our GDP has significantly shrunk:

A leader among the so-called “breakdown nations,” Canada’s GDP per capita has been falling 0.4 per cent a year since 2020, the worst rate among 50 developed economies.


Once again, Canada (read: Justin) has lied to the public and to other nations.

Not just a freeloader but a deceiver, as well.

Not that Justin is concerned. 

He will still get his pension.

It was never about leading Canada for him, except by the nose.


An Israeli defence contractor is taking the Canadian government to court after the company says it was taken out of the running for a multimillion-dollar military equipment contract without explanation.

Elbit Security Systems Ltd. says in an application filed in Federal Court last month that Public Services and Procurement Canada has refused to explain its “purported disqualification” from a contract for hand-held laser rangefinders for the Canadian Armed Forces.

Elbit says the government’s refusal to give its reasons until after the contract is awarded prevents the firm from having “a full and fair opportunity to compete.”

The company says it can’t “meaningfully participate” in the procurement process because the federal government is “improperly withholding” information about why it disqualified Elbit’s bid.


If it makes you feel any better, the Liberals do that to everybody.



Did you clear this with your boss first?:

The RCMP yesterday appealed for tips from Chinese Canadians after confirming an investigation into election interference by Communist Party agents. The Mounties targeted suspected criminals victimizing Québec residents of Chinese ancestry: “Let’s fight interference together.”



Police ask Quebecers to anonymously “report any form of threats, harassment or intimidation” committed by the CCP.



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was caught cropping Ken Ng, the head of the Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham (FCCM), out of photos from an event over the weekend. ...

Ng, born in Hong Kong, is an acquaintance of the director of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front, a collection of organizations used to advance Beijing's political interests abroad through business relations, Qiu Yuanping. Director Qiu formerly worked for China’s intelligence agency. The United Front is a key player in Canada’s investigation into Beijing's interference operations.

Stay classy:

An “angry, cranky” Green MP Elizabeth May (Saanich-Gulf Islands, B.C.) yesterday vowed to lead her Party into another election to show voters how they “f—ked this planet.” May, 70, in rambling remarks to reporters said she felt lucky to be alive and didn’t understand why Canadians have sharp opinions of Justin Trudeau: “This is not right.”

Oh, you don't know, do you, Lizzie?

Who did you vote for?:

A growing number of Canadians are struggling financially, with nearly half stressed by housing costs and other living expenses, according to a recent survey.

 One-in-three Canadians (32 percent) now fall into the “struggling” category, up from one-quarter two years ago, said the Angus Reid Institute (ARI) in its July 9 report. In addition, the number of Canadians in the “comfortable” category has decreased to 23 percent, down from 29 percent in 2022.

 Economic stress is not evenly distributed across the country, the report says.

 Canadians experiencing economic distress are most prevalent in major western cities such as Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, and Calgary, as well as suburban Toronto, while Montreal residents are most likely among urbanites to be categorized as “thriving.”

 Nearly half (46 percent) of respondents in Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador were classified as struggling.

 The findings come as the annual inflation rate stabilized, with the Consumer Price Index declining to 2.9 percent year-over-year in May, down from 3.4 percent in May 2023, according to Statistics Canada data.



Why, that sounds like electoral fraud to me:



South Korean president  Yoon Seok-Yeol points out the obvious at the NATO conference:

Yoon, a conservative, has spent much of his tenure making the case that North Korea is more than a regional threat. The expanding ties between Russia and North Korea, he told Reuters, make the communist regime an increasingly visible threat to Europe. North Korea has long maintained ties with Russia and the former Soviet Union, but dramatically expanded the nature of its defense ties with Moscow by signing a “comprehensive partnership” on security in June. The deal, signed during Russian strongman Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang that month, requires either party to offer military support in the event that the other is attacked. It remains unclear at press time if either party will interpret Ukrainian self-defense operations against Russian forces as an attack that requires North Korean intervention.

“Military co-operation between Russia and North Korea poses a distinct threat and grave challenge to the peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in Europe,” Yoon told Reuters in remarks published on Tuesday. The South Korean president said he would raise the issue of North Korea complicating the already challenging war theater in Ukraine with other world leaders at the NATO summit.

“North Korea is clearly a menace to the international society,” Yoon continued. “I hope that Russia will sensibly decide which side – the South or the North – is more important and necessary for its own interests.”



Some people ... :

The defacing of the statue of Frank — a German-born Jewish girl who documented in her diary her life under Nazi occupation in the Netherlands before being killed in the Holocaust — was first alerted by the Dutch pro-Israel organisation Cidi, De Telegraaf reports.

“More ‘anti-Zionism’,” the group wrote on X, “The statue of Anne Frank on Merwedeplein in Amsterdam, where the Jewish diarist lived until she went into hiding in 1942, has been defaced with red paint and the text ‘Gaza’. A report has been filed with the police.”

Amsterdam Councillor Stijn Nijssen of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) said: “It is truly shameful that someone would think to draw attention to the Palestinian cause by smearing an image of Anne Frank, an international symbol of the Holocaust.”


This shouldn't be beneath you or your band of Jew-hating goons. 

You are fooling no one.



And now, a feel-good story:

An Iraqi court issued a death sentence Wednesday against one of the wives of the late brutal Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, alleging that she was complicit in crimes committed against Yazidi women captured by the militant group.

The ruling comes weeks before the 10-year mark since IS launched a series of attacks against the Yazidi religious minority in the northern Iraqi region of Sinjar in early August 2014, killing and capturing thousands — including women and girls who were subjected to human trafficking and sexual abuse. The United Nations said the campaign against the Yazidis amounted to genocide.

A statement by Iraq’s judicial council said the Karkh Criminal Court sentenced the woman for “detaining Yazidi women in her home” and facilitating their kidnapping by “the terrorist ISIS gangs in Sinjar district.” It also said the ruling was issued in accordance with Iraq’s anti-terrorism law and its “Yazidi survivors law."

The statement did not name the defendant, but two court officials identified her as Asma Mohammed, who was arrested in 2018 in Turkey. An Iraqi security official told The Associated Press Wednesday she was handed over to Iraqi authorities last year. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly.


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