Monday, July 15, 2024

Justin's Canada

We can't wait until next October:

But for years now, Canadian political parties — most notably the Liberals — seem to have tried to get Canadians to forget the British origins of their democracy and to water down the accountability mechanisms, all in the name of American-style republicanism. ...

The way it is supposed to work in a parliamentary democracy — in a responsible government — is that members of a party’s parliamentary caucus decide. These are, after all, the representatives of the people and the party in Parliament, who are tasked each day with holding the government to account. Yet leaders can now say that they are voted in by all party members — and in the case of the Liberals, party supporters, as well. How could “elite” MPs interfere?


Following the Liberal loss in the June 24 byelection in Toronto-St. Paul’s, Ont.—a party stronghold for 30 years—nervous MPs are worried about their collective political future. Now, the Liberals are going to be in a tough three-way contest in the upcoming byelection in LaSalle-Émard, Que., another Liberal stronghold which some MPs and insiders think they could lose. 

“It’s a very volatile time right now with many unpredictable variables, and there’s more politics than actual substance,” said a second Liberal MP who also spoke on a not-for-attribution-based interview with The Hill Times in order to be candid about the ongoing situation. “I feel a lot of my time is spent on politics than substantive issues. Now, it’s about political machinations. … This is the beginning of the summer, and a lot of political games will be played until September.”

This MP also said that if Trudeau (Papineau, Que.) is planning to make any change to his cabinet or to his PMO team, it should be done soon.

“Any changes for them to be effective, the earlier they are happening the more effective they will be,” said this MP. “The later they happen, the less effect they will have.”


But no one in that bloated government has any idea what it is doing. 

All Justin will do is repeat the process of inadequacy again and again.


The Liberals' gift to Canada - the brain drain:

Brain drain is a huge lost opportunity for Canada and the network effects of it compound. New talent goes where existing talent is and investment and economic growth follows the same path. Our governments and industry leaders should be addressing this problem with the urgency of a five-alarm fire.

People will not be trained here, nor will any trained people be kept.

A Third World country is born.

It's just money:

Media, politicians and experts have concealed the failure of Canada’s “safe supply” drug policy, says Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre. He made the remarks in a kindergarten playground near Montréal’s first federally-subsidized injection site that opened April 15: “You guys repeat the same language you get from the radical Liberal-NDP activists and bureaucracy.”


The Canada Revenue Agency says it has “no records” divulging who made an $8 billion mistake in mismanaging a pandemic relief program, according to Access To Information files. Revenue Commissioner Bob Hamilton had testified it was “a decision by the government” but would not name names: “It’s very difficult to know what will be left at the end of the day.”

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